I get invited everywhere! My DMCs (destination experts) are soooo generous and share inside information about the best places to visit and where we can have the best fun.
Want to recommend something? Send me a picture, a short description in an email
Find the best foodtruck in town, share rooftop tapas, dive in glorious swimming pools, visit foodmarkets or soukhs, find the best shops or join me on my Happy Cocktail Hours!
Let’s have coffee together, eat tapas on a roof top or visit a museum. Want to see where they serve the best pizza in town? Many places to discover together.
The best places get my Paw of Approval!
Our DMCs take me on a journey through their countries to show me the highlights, the best museums, the yummy restaurants and the glorious hotels, where a dog can stretch out and take a nice nap.
Not only that, they sure know how to organise a party. Fantastic venues, gala dinners – I can’t wait to learn all about it.
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